Best webhosting and domain

 Best webhosting and domain

In this article we are going to cover some basic issue of beginner that what is a webhosting and a domain.

what is the importance of webhosting and domain. 


The webhosting is a platform or a system that needs to be used to host the web-based applications or any other specific applications. Therefore the webhosting contains a web application programming interface. And this is usually web service, where the webhosting client-server system contacts the back-end server.

What is a domain name.

The domain name is a randomly-generated alphanumeric string. It is usually the beginning part of an internet domain name. A domain name has several parts, which are separated by hyphens (“.”). The first part is “dot”, the second is “.com,” the third is “.net”, the fourth is “.edu,” etc.

Best webhosting and domain

In this article we are going to cover some basic issue of beginner that what is a webhosting and a domain.

what is the importance of webhosting and domain. 


The webhosting is a platform or a system that needs to be used to host the web-based applications or any other specific applications. Therefore the webhosting contains a web application programming interface. And this is usually web service, where the webhosting client-server system contacts the back-end server.


The webhosting is directly or indirectly a synonym for the Internet.

must be it it must not be it

What is a domain name.

Domain name

The domain name is a randomly-generated alphanumeric string. It is usually the beginning part of an internet domain name. A domain name has several parts, which are separated by hyphens (“.”). The first part is “dot”, the second is “.com,” the third is “.net”, the fourth is “.edu,” etc.

wanna take your business online but you don't know about the domain, where to buy,cheap, good,its featurewhat is hosting? meaning of it, benefits,types of it, which one to buy, which is the best,we will understand it

now you have a shop,you have products in it, your shop has a name your shop name is your domain means domain,

all these are domains

so the business

comes in the internet

then we called it .com,.in


you had a land for the shop

that land is hosting

and shop above it is

website,these 3

you need to get it

now computers,virtual world

your website

where is it?

your shop is in your home you can see it

but your website is in hosting

hosting is nothing but a computer

or in the virtual world

now in computer has few things,RAM

processing power

hard disc,in phone too you have seen it

processor,RAM and

storage 128gb

so now understand based on your business

the more the bigger storage

means my shop

will be more bigger

and the more goods I can have in it


I go for a meal

in macd,and I get in a min

the order gets delivered in 5 min

they did it soon because of its less processing time

means if we want to improve these things then

then I need to improve my processor power

so if

you shop in a walmart,dmart then

there you find huge line in the billing outlet

so if you want to reduce the line then you need to

increase the number of cash outlet

where people buy the products

so with more number of counters will result in less time to buy

so this is RAM,these 3 things

we have more things to know

1st is domain

where to buy a domain?buy anywhere

today all the companies

provides the same feature,the one who provides the cheapest

buy from there

this is the most important,next is

transfer price


I bought a domain now

I did not liked there customers support

next point is customer support,if I don't like the support

I wanna to change and shift to other company

then I need to pay a sum for it

so this is transfer pricing,one thing more

the domain you have is on rent

here your company

provides the domain on yearly renewal

so you need to check the contract

of domain renewal,some provide for 1-2,3,5 years

and some more than that of it

so if you want your domain on your name

then do check for bigger contract time

do check the pricing,there customer support

google review about the company

do search in the search engines about the company

so this is it,one more thing

I told you your domain gets renew in every 1 year

suppose you took it for 2 years

and after that it gets expired and someone else buyed it

so some else has made his shop on your identity

now nothing you can do that

so for this there is a thing

where they notify you

as your domain is yet to expire,please renew it

ideally all the big companies notify you

but do check these service

on that company

but most important is do buy from the cheapest provider

you head about the big companies

buy from there and cheap one

now understand logically

we can feel the shop via touching

in this case your shop

about your domain,hosting

we can't touch it,so how is this happen

what is the concept behind it,let's assume

you may be watching this video on youtube app

or may be in browser,browser

like chrome

mozilla firefox,internet explorer

so you crawl your website in that browser

like in code.....

dash guy be presented,likewise in brower you put

.com be presented

the moment you open the youtube

the request goes to the hosting,where

the shop is present

now the browser work is to

put your shop

whis is stored in the hosting

download it to

your browser or your computer

so you browser downloaded the hole shope

and you can easily use it,now 2 things

is important,download and upload

you server upload time

and browser download

time,small factor

we will discuss in detail

one more thing

internet speed

your hosting internet seed

is how must fast,this is also called port speed

so the more faster port speed will be

result in the faster download and upload speed

basically when it will upload then only your browser download

so the faster upload will result in the faster download

this is the logic behind the upload and download

now you heard about data capping

upto 250GB you will be getting speed and after that it will decrease

likewise your server too

has a capping but here speed does not decrease

you get charged for it

so do check the transfer data plan

people see unlimited

bandwidth,ideally it is not unlimited

do check in the terms and conditions

but so check your bandwidth requirement

I will teach you how to calculate it

now you computer has a operating system

if you have a windows,then you must be having an original one

not pirated

because your website is secure

pirated may got hacked and you server name will be destroyed

so ideally your original

window is pricy and so

windows hosting is costly

but linux is a free open source operating system

any one can use it for free

so here the hosting

will be cheaper,but why we would buy windows hosting?

if you website has a specific

programming on it or specific software in it

which will run only in windows then you need to have a windows hosting

like I edit my video in final cut pro

and to run that you need an apple computer

so this is the same problem in server and hosting

you need to have a specific operating system

ideally if you use wordpress

for basic website

then linux hosting is good

we have 3 types of server

one is dedicated hosting


the hole computer box is yours

all RAM and things in it is yours

in this we have virtual private server

in this

if you tried to run apple in windows computer

I tried alot

for that we need vmware

you must have played pubg in computer

so to run an android application you need

an emulator,so basically to run that application

it comes here

so in vmware you can allocate

if you have a 16GB ram then

the software

will take 4GB ram,amount of hard disc,amount of processing power

so I can allocate here

so in dedicated we divided 3

or 4 windows we have and all the 4 windows

have same power,suppose I had a 4 quad core processor

and give it 1-1 core to all the 4 windows

16Gb ram divided into 4GB each

1TB storage is divided into 250GB each

so this is the vps server

now all the resources is divided among themself

internet speed will divide

next is shared

in this we made more divisions in vps

ans installed a number of websites

different c-panels

so this is it about hosting,so now if you

are stating then buy shared one

dedicated is to huge site or business

I will explain how to calculate

let's assume you website is

of 1MB means

from your sever the data is downloaded is

of 1MB

so if

guy comes to your website then

he downloads it

suppose your upload speed is


not divided by 8

so 100MB is downloaded in your computer

buy the guy internet speed is


if less than

the time taken to download 100MB

page will download

but ideally today's internet speed is good so

the guy too have a 100MBps speed

so in 1/100 sec he will download the page


let's assume 1000 guys visit the site in 1 sec

now your speed is

100mbps and to upload

1mb website to 1000 people

means 1000 mb

so to open a website time taken is


hope you are getting it


your hard disc speed is

10mbps,but internet speed is nice

but not the hard disc speed

so I can't rich my speed more than 10mbps

I am uploading but

my hard disc is not more than 10mbps

so if speed is not more than 10mbps than

I need 1000

mb download time is


so this much of time

means you shop is waste of product

people are knocking for 100sec

no one waits for 100 sec

here internet world is globall

here people are impatient

so it is believed if load times is less than 5 sec

then people are ok

if more than 10 sec then people

leaves from there,basically

so what to do now

here we can increase the hard disc speed

or we can decrease our website

load time

if it is of 1MB then I will be making it of 100KB

and 100KB website won't look appealing

and if not appealing then its of no use

you must have seen people spent alot in their shop decoration because

appealing leads to alot more conversation

and to make it appealing you need to

make it bigger

and for that you need nice server

in the same calculation

here ram and processing power too comes in

so how I would know

how much ram and processing power do my website need

so you got to know via server

in starting you bought shared server

and in share server you website is of


in normal shared server

at a time 100 people

it can handles

so if you need more

then you need to look at the shared server power

its core,ram

generally 1000 traffic

can be handled by a good shared server

if you need more then we switch to vps

for more you need dedicated

one more thing

here we talk about ram,processor,hard disc

in hard disc too we have a types,in ram too

we have a types, ddr1 ram

will be slower than ddr4 ram

our normal hard disc

hdd hard disc

will be slower than

ssd hard disc

the fastest hard disc is

mbps has a speed of 80mbps

and for ssd we have


and to go more than 1500 speed than you need to

have a multiple hard disc


so here comes the concept of cloud computing

in cloud computing

we have different-different servers

and host our website in it

so when a guy calls than

the browser downloads small-small files from all the servers

all the load gets shared

due to this the website runs faster,that is way cloud computing is better


if you need a real cloud computing than

buy above the dedicated one,in cloud too we have a shared hosting

but its of no use

because they can reduce its performance as much they want it

I will tell you more in this

now in hard disc we in our childhood

have been copied songs from it

if you had copied movies vs

1-1 MB photos

or 200-200 KB photos,whis is faster

photos use to transfer slowly

small 1KB

files transfer slowly

but a MB or a GB files transfer


you must have observed it

when I used to transfer a 4GB file

in pendrive then the speed used to come is 32


if I transfer a document file in KB

of about 50000 files

it took a whole lot time to transfer

I used to think about hard disc and other problems

in this we have a i/o

input output operations,so your server

can handle input output operations

at a time,the files we are talking

if you are transferring 1GB file then its 1 file only

but in small many files

you are having a lot of input output operations in it

so ideally the more number of input and output operations will be better

so big and new hard disc can do more

input and output operations in it

in hard disc you can have a 500 operations at a time

and in ssd you can have a 80000 operations

and psi,means above ssd

where you can have much more i/o operations

so any hosting may be shared

do check all these things

how much they are providing you the i/o operations

you can see in the video how to check

how much is load in your website

if the load is above 100% then

you need to upgrade that thing,ram usage is more than 100%

then you need to upgrade the ram,processing then

for processing,bandwidth

and all that,ideally

the most important factor is

if you have a small website than

you internet connection,if you have a fast internet connection then

the website will load faster

and suppose you made a wordpress website and installed alot of plugins in it than

then your cpu power too come in use

ram too,so need to work on cpu

now location

do matter

means my server is in delhi

and if someone opens a website from delhi

then data will tend to transfer faster in this case

there is a minute difference in the

speed,but if a guy opens from us

then it may take some time to open

the signal goes to us,then it will come back

in this process it may take few seconds

so ideally you need your website for india than

do take india server

but indian server tend to cost more because

india a hot climatic nation,so what to do with hot climate?

if your phone gets hot then its efficiency

gets low

so this is called throttling

so to cater this problem we need to make it cool

and to make it cool it cost higher

in cold countries,and I read about

all the big companies shifting

the servers to north pole

with this costing will decrease to 50%


there is a huge investment in making the hosting go run

because the computer is running all day

you can make it of your own

but the condition is it must run all day

all day internet connection

all stuffs in all day long

if it get damaged then its your loss

but in other we don't have to bear any loss

but if you buy a dedicated one or shared

and if that computer gets damaged then whose loss is it

you all data will be lost but on in the cloud

you have backups in cloud

ideally the big providers

gives you a weekly backups

they make a backup of it and put it in the cloud

now how to check it

take a website and search

there you can see waterfall modal

click on it and see how much time it takes to open a website

one more thing

swap memory

when you insert a pendrive in computer

where you see a option to make it a ram

people says it will increase you catch memory,your speed will increase

well this is swap memory

basically if you took vana ssd in a server

and ram of 4GB

so when the load comes in the whole 4GB memory gets over

so how to deal with it

you need to have a ssd,it will make

swap memory in the hard disc

so relatively it is 10-100 times

slower than normal

ram,ram speed is much faster

and ssd speed is relatively much slower

ram work is to

deal with the fast work,while ssd work is to

store the data

that is way ram is costly

if you want 2-4 GB ram than

it cost much than the pendrive

one more thing

input output weight time means

how much time we need to wait

my browser call me to I need a server

now he goes there,so the time taken to reach is how much

so we need to decrease the wait time

now here in our country

there is a over selling

let's assume

I am providing you the vps where

I will be providing you 2 core

in real take 1 core is of 1ghz

so out of 2 core 25%

is allocated to other vps

try to get it

so ideally

if I had a 16 core and providing every one with 2 core

than I have only 8 core option

but I mislead in it and

out of 8 core is allotted 25% to other

and by this I will earn 4times

so most of them are doing it

because the more number of customer the more revenue

so how to check it

there is no way,other is one,make you website run on the server

and on the other server too

if you are getting any difference than

there is a fraud in the server provider

so we got a gift from a company

we gonna to have our own vps,my website will gonna to host on

in this server only,our intellectualindies family

got the gift

what will you get is

I am providing you the link in the description

you will be getting free hosting for a period of 1 month

do check the server if it's running fast

or slow,do I need

more or not,if you liked

then use it or discard it

in all the plans you will be getting 30 days

return guarantee

do check everywhere

rest I liked their service

and I am gonna to host my website too

do check yourself

hope you get everything from

most detailed

video on servers and domain

do ask in the comment for any query

if you want how to make our own server than

do tell me in the comment

but ideally I won't suggest you,as you can have in a cheaper way

they are giving for Rs 2000 yearly

shared where I can make multiple website

10-20 website

in just Rs 2000

from me its good

with this the video ends

hope you liked it,like,share

do bookmark this video

whenever you want to buy a server or any one talks about it than

what to buy and what to not

buy good night,good morning

afternoon whenever you are watching

wanna to take your business online

but you don't know about domain,where to buy,cheap,good,its feature

what is hosting?meaning of it,benefits,types of it,which one to buy,which is the best,we will understand it

now you have a shop,you have products in it,

your shop has a name

your shop name is your domain

means domain,

all these are domains

so the business

comes in the internet

then we called it .com,.in


you had a land for the shop

that land is hosting

and shop above it is

website,these 3

you need to get it

now computers,virtual world

your website

where is it?

your shop is in your home you can see it

but your website is in hosting

hosting is nothing but a computer

or in the virtual world

now in computer has few things,RAM

processing power

hard disc,in phone too you have seen it

processor,RAM and

storage 128gb

so now understand based on your business

the more the bigger storage

means my shop

will be more bigger

and the more goods I can have in it


I go for a meal

in macd,and I get in a min

the order gets delivered in 5 min

they did it soon because of its less processing time

means if we want to improve these things then

then I need to improve my processor power

so if

you shop in a walmart,dmart then

there you find huge line in the billing outlet

so if you want to reduce the line then you need to

increase the number of cash outlet

where people buy the products

so with more number of counters will result in less time to buy

so this is RAM,these 3 things

we have more things to know

1st is domain

where to buy a domain?buy anywhere

today all the companies

provides the same feature,the one who provides the cheapest

buy from there

this is the most important,next is

transfer price


I bought a domain now

I did not liked there customers support

next point is customer support,if I don't like the support

I wanna to change and shift to other company

then I need to pay a sum for it

so this is transfer pricing,one thing more

the domain you have is on rent

here your company

provides the domain on yearly renewal

so you need to check the contract

of domain renewal,some provide for 1-2,3,5 years

and some more than that of it

so if you want your domain on your name

then do check for bigger contract time

do check the pricing,there customer support

google review about the company

do search in the search engines about the company

so this is it,one more thing

I told you your domain gets renew in every 1 year

suppose you took it for 2 years

and after that it gets expired and someone else buyed it

so some else has made his shop on your identity

now nothing you can do that

so for this there is a thing

where they notify you

as your domain is yet to expire,please renew it

ideally all the big companies notify you

but do check these service

on that company

but most important is do buy from the cheapest provider

you head about the big companies

buy from there and cheap one

now understand logically

we can feel the shop via touching

in this case your shop

about your domain,hosting

we can't touch it,so how is this happen

what is the concept behind it,let's assume

you may be watching this video on youtube app

or may be in browser,browser

like chrome

mozilla firefox,internet explorer

so you crawl your website in that browser

like in code.....

dash guy be presented,likewise in brower you put

.com be presented

the moment you open the youtube

the request goes to the hosting,where

the shop is present

now the browser work is to

put your shop

whis is stored in the hosting

download it to

your browser or your computer

so you browser downloaded the hole shope

and you can easily use it,now 2 things

is important,download and upload

you server upload time

and browser download

time,small factor

we will discuss in detail

one more thing

internet speed

your hosting internet seed

is how must fast,this is also called port speed

so the more faster port speed will be

result in the faster download and upload speed

basically when it will upload then only your browser download

so the faster upload will result in the faster download

this is the logic behind the upload and download

now you heard about data capping

upto 250GB you will be getting speed and after that it will decrease

likewise your server too

has a capping but here speed does not decrease

you get charged for it

so do check the transfer data plan

people see unlimited

bandwidth,ideally it is not unlimited

do check in the terms and conditions

but so check your bandwidth requirement

I will teach you how to calculate it

now you computer has a operating system

if you have a windows,then you must be having an original one

not pirated

because your website is secure

pirated may got hacked and you server name will be destroyed

so ideally your original

window is pricy and so

windows hosting is costly

but linux is a free open source operating system

any one can use it for free

so here the hosting

will be cheaper,but why we would buy windows hosting?

if you website has a specific

programming on it or specific software in it

which will run only in windows then you need to have a windows hosting

like I edit my video in final cut pro

and to run that you need an apple computer

so this is the same problem in server and hosting

you need to have a specific operating system

ideally if you use wordpress

for basic website

then linux hosting is good

we have 3 types of server

one is dedicated hosting


the hole computer box is yours

all RAM and things in it is yours

in this we have virtual private server

in this

if you tried to run apple in windows computer

I tried alot

for that we need vmware

you must have played pubg in computer

so to run an android application you need

an emulator,so basically to run that application

it comes here

so in vmware you can allocate

if you have a 16GB ram then

the software

will take 4GB ram,amount of hard disc,amount of processing power

so I can allocate here

so in dedicated we divided 3

or 4 windows we have and all the 4 windows

have same power,suppose I had a 4 quad core processor

and give it 1-1 core to all the 4 windows

16Gb ram divided into 4GB each

1TB storage is divided into 250GB each

so this is the vps server

now all the resources is divided among themself

internet speed will divide

next is shared

in this we made more divisions in vps

ans installed a number of websites

different c-panels

so this is it about hosting,so now if you

are stating then buy shared one

dedicated is to huge site or business

I will explain how to calculate

let's assume you website is

of 1MB means

from your sever the data is downloaded is

of 1MB

so if

guy comes to your website then

he downloads it

suppose your upload speed is


not divided by 8

so 100MB is downloaded in your computer

buy the guy internet speed is


if less than

the time taken to download 100MB

page will download

but ideally today's internet speed is good so

the guy too have a 100MBps speed

so in 1/100 sec he will download the page


let's assume 1000 guys visit the site in 1 sec

now your speed is

100mbps and to upload

1mb website to 1000 people

means 1000 mb

so to open a website time taken is


hope you are getting it


your hard disc speed is

10mbps,but internet speed is nice

but not the hard disc speed

so I can't rich my speed more than 10mbps

I am uploading but

my hard disc is not more than 10mbps

so if speed is not more than 10mbps than

I need 1000

mb download time is


so this much of time

means you shop is waste of product

people are knocking for 100sec

no one waits for 100 sec

here internet world is globall

here people are impatient

so it is believed if load times is less than 5 sec

then people are ok

if more than 10 sec then people

leaves from there,basically

so what to do now

here we can increase the hard disc speed

or we can decrease our website

load time

if it is of 1MB then I will be making it of 100KB

and 100KB website won't look appealing

and if not appealing then its of no use

you must have seen people spent alot in their shop decoration because

appealing leads to alot more conversation

and to make it appealing you need to

make it bigger

and for that you need nice server

in the same calculation

here ram and processing power too comes in

so how I would know

how much ram and processing power do my website need

so you got to know via server

in starting you bought shared server

and in share server you website is of


in normal shared server

at a time 100 people

it can handles

so if you need more

then you need to look at the shared server power

its core,ram

generally 1000 traffic

can be handled by a good shared server

if you need more then we switch to vps

for more you need dedicated

one more thing

here we talk about ram,processor,hard disc

in hard disc too we have a types,in ram too

we have a types, ddr1 ram

will be slower than ddr4 ram

our normal hard disc

hdd hard disc

will be slower than

ssd hard disc

the fastest hard disc is

mbps has a speed of 80mbps

and for ssd we have


and to go more than 1500 speed than you need to

have a multiple hard disc


so here comes the concept of cloud computing

in cloud computing

we have different-different servers

and host our website in it

so when a guy calls than

the browser downloads small-small files from all the servers

all the load gets shared

due to this the website runs faster,that is way cloud computing is better


if you need a real cloud computing than

buy above the dedicated one,in cloud too we have a shared hosting

but its of no use

because they can reduce its performance as much they want it

I will tell you more in this

now in hard disc we in our childhood

have been copied songs from it

if you had copied movies vs

1-1 MB photos

or 200-200 KB photos,whis is faster

photos use to transfer slowly

small 1KB

files transfer slowly

but a MB or a GB files transfer


you must have observed it

when I used to transfer a 4GB file

in pendrive then the speed used to come is 32


if I transfer a document file in KB

of about 50000 files

it took a whole lot time to transfer

I used to think about hard disc and other problems

in this we have a i/o

input output operations,so your server

can handle input output operations

at a time,the files we are talking

if you are transferring 1GB file then its 1 file only

but in small many files

you are having a lot of input output operations in it

so ideally the more number of input and output operations will be better

so big and new hard disc can do more

input and output operations in it

in hard disc you can have a 500 operations at a time

and in ssd you can have a 80000 operations

and psi,means above ssd

where you can have much more i/o operations

so any hosting may be shared

do check all these things

how much they are providing you the i/o operations

you can see in the video how to check

how much is load in your website

if the load is above 100% then

you need to upgrade that thing,ram usage is more than 100%

then you need to upgrade the ram,processing then

for processing,bandwidth

and all that,ideally

the most important factor is

if you have a small website than

you internet connection,if you have a fast internet connection then

the website will load faster

and suppose you made a wordpress website and installed alot of plugins in it than

then your cpu power too come in use

ram too,so need to work on cpu

now location

do matter

means my server is in delhi

and if someone opens a website from delhi

then data will tend to transfer faster in this case

there is a minute difference in the

speed,but if a guy opens from us

then it may take some time to open

the signal goes to us,then it will come back

in this process it may take few seconds

so ideally you need your website for india than

do take india server

but indian server tend to cost more because

india a hot climatic nation,so what to do with hot climate?

if your phone gets hot then its efficiency

gets low

so this is called throttling

so to cater this problem we need to make it cool

and to make it cool it cost higher

in cold countries,and I read about

all the big companies shifting

the servers to north pole

with this costing will decrease to 50%


there is a huge investment in making the hosting go run

because the computer is running all day

you can make it of your own

but the condition is it must run all day

all day internet connection

all stuffs in all day long

if it get damaged then its your loss

but in other we don't have to bear any loss

but if you buy a dedicated one or shared

and if that computer gets damaged then whose loss is it

you all data will be lost but on in the cloud

you have backups in cloud

ideally the big providers

gives you a weekly backups

they make a backup of it and put it in the cloud

now how to check it

take a website and search

there you can see waterfall modal

click on it and see how much time it takes to open a website

one more thing

swap memory

when you insert a pendrive in computer

where you see a option to make it a ram

people says it will increase you catch memory,your speed will increase

well this is swap memory

basically if you took vana ssd in a server

and ram of 4GB

so when the load comes in the whole 4GB memory gets over

so how to deal with it

you need to have a ssd,it will make

swap memory in the hard disc

so relatively it is 10-100 times

slower than normal

ram,ram speed is much faster

and ssd speed is relatively much slower

ram work is to

deal with the fast work,while ssd work is to

store the data

that is way ram is costly

if you want 2-4 GB ram than

it cost much than the pendrive

one more thing

input output weight time means

how much time we need to wait

my browser call me to I need a server

now he goes there,so the time taken to reach is how much

so we need to decrease the wait time

now here in our country

there is a over selling

let's assume

I am providing you the vps where

I will be providing you 2 core

in real take 1 core is of 1ghz

so out of 2 core 25%

is allocated to other vps

try to get it

so ideally

if I had a 16 core and providing every one with 2 core

than I have only 8 core option

but I mislead in it and

out of 8 core is allotted 25% to other

and by this I will earn 4times

so most of them are doing it

because the more number of customer the more revenue

so how to check it

there is no way,other is one,make you website run on the server

and on the other server too

if you are getting any difference than

there is a fraud in the server provider

so we got a gift from a company

we gonna to have our own vps,my website will gonna to host on

in this server only,our intellectualindies family

got the gift

what will you get is

I am providing you the link in the description

you will be getting free hosting for a period of 1 month

do check the server if it's running fast

or slow,do I need

more or not,if you liked

then use it or discard it

in all the plans you will be getting 30 days

return guarantee

do check everywhere

rest I liked their service

and I am gonna to host my website too

do check yourself

hope you get everything from

most detailed

video on servers and domain

do ask in the comment for any query

if you want how to make our own server than

do tell me in the comment

but ideally I won't suggest you,as you can have in a cheaper way

they are giving for Rs 2000 yearly

shared where I can make multiple website

10-20 website

in just Rs 2000

from me its good

with this the video ends

hope you liked it,like,share

do bookmark this video

whenever you want to buy a server or any one talks about it than

what to buy and what to not

buy good night,good morning

afternoon whenever you are watching

 wanna take your business online but you don't know about the domain, where to buy,cheap, good,its featurewhat is hosting? meaning of it, benefits,types of it, which one to buy, which is the best,we will understand it

now you have a shop,you have products in it, your shop has a name your shop name is your domain means domain,

all these are domains

so the business

comes in the internet

then we called it .com,.in


you had a land for the shop

that land is hosting

and shop above it is

website,these 3

you need to get it

now computers,virtual world

your website

where is it?

your shop is in your home you can see it

but your website is in hosting

hosting is nothing but a computer

or in the virtual world

now in computer has few things,RAM

processing power

hard disc,in phone too you have seen it

processor,RAM and

storage 128gb

so now understand based on your business

the more the bigger storage

means my shop

will be more bigger

and the more goods I can have in it


I go for a meal

in macd,and I get in a min

the order gets delivered in 5 min

they did it soon because of its less processing time

means if we want to improve these things then

then I need to improve my processor power

so if

you shop in a walmart,dmart then

there you find huge line in the billing outlet

so if you want to reduce the line then you need to

increase the number of cash outlet

where people buy the products

so with more number of counters will result in less time to buy

so this is RAM,these 3 things

we have more things to know

1st is domain

where to buy a domain?buy anywhere

today all the companies

provides the same feature,the one who provides the cheapest

buy from there

this is the most important,next is

transfer price


I bought a domain now

I did not liked there customers support

next point is customer support,if I don't like the support

I wanna to change and shift to other company

then I need to pay a sum for it

so this is transfer pricing,one thing more

the domain you have is on rent

here your company

provides the domain on yearly renewal

so you need to check the contract

of domain renewal,some provide for 1-2,3,5 years

and some more than that of it

so if you want your domain on your name

then do check for bigger contract time

do check the pricing,there customer support

google review about the company

do search in the search engines about the company

so this is it,one more thing

I told you your domain gets renew in every 1 year

suppose you took it for 2 years

and after that it gets expired and someone else buyed it

so some else has made his shop on your identity

now nothing you can do that

so for this there is a thing

where they notify you

as your domain is yet to expire,please renew it

ideally all the big companies notify you

but do check these service

on that company

but most important is do buy from the cheapest provider

you head about the big companies

buy from there and cheap one

now understand logically

we can feel the shop via touching

in this case your shop

about your domain,hosting

we can't touch it,so how is this happen

what is the concept behind it,let's assume

you may be watching this video on youtube app

or may be in browser,browser

like chrome

mozilla firefox,internet explorer

so you crawl your website in that browser

like in code.....

dash guy be presented,likewise in brower you put

.com be presented

the moment you open the youtube

the request goes to the hosting,where

the shop is present

now the browser work is to

put your shop

whis is stored in the hosting

download it to

your browser or your computer

so you browser downloaded the hole shope

and you can easily use it,now 2 things

is important,download and upload

you server upload time

and browser download

time,small factor

we will discuss in detail

one more thing

internet speed

your hosting internet seed

is how must fast,this is also called port speed

so the more faster port speed will be

result in the faster download and upload speed

basically when it will upload then only your browser download

so the faster upload will result in the faster download

this is the logic behind the upload and download

now you heard about data capping

upto 250GB you will be getting speed and after that it will decrease

likewise your server too

has a capping but here speed does not decrease

you get charged for it

so do check the transfer data plan

people see unlimited

bandwidth,ideally it is not unlimited

do check in the terms and conditions

but so check your bandwidth requirement

I will teach you how to calculate it

now you computer has a operating system

if you have a windows,then you must be having an original one

not pirated

because your website is secure

pirated may got hacked and you server name will be destroyed

so ideally your original

window is pricy and so

windows hosting is costly

but linux is a free open source operating system

any one can use it for free

so here the hosting

will be cheaper,but why we would buy windows hosting?

if you website has a specific

programming on it or specific software in it

which will run only in windows then you need to have a windows hosting

like I edit my video in final cut pro

and to run that you need an apple computer

so this is the same problem in server and hosting

you need to have a specific operating system

ideally if you use wordpress

for basic website

then linux hosting is good

we have 3 types of server

one is dedicated hosting


the hole computer box is yours

all RAM and things in it is yours

in this we have virtual private server

in this

if you tried to run apple in windows computer

I tried alot

for that we need vmware

you must have played pubg in computer

so to run an android application you need

an emulator,so basically to run that application

it comes here

so in vmware you can allocate

if you have a 16GB ram then

the software

will take 4GB ram,amount of hard disc,amount of processing power

so I can allocate here

so in dedicated we divided 3

or 4 windows we have and all the 4 windows

have same power,suppose I had a 4 quad core processor

and give it 1-1 core to all the 4 windows

16Gb ram divided into 4GB each

1TB storage is divided into 250GB each

so this is the vps server

now all the resources is divided among themself

internet speed will divide

next is shared

in this we made more divisions in vps

ans installed a number of websites

different c-panels

so this is it about hosting,so now if you

are stating then buy shared one

dedicated is to huge site or business

I will explain how to calculate

let's assume you website is

of 1MB means

from your sever the data is downloaded is

of 1MB

so if

guy comes to your website then

he downloads it

suppose your upload speed is


not divided by 8

so 100MB is downloaded in your computer

buy the guy internet speed is


if less than

the time taken to download 100MB

page will download

but ideally today's internet speed is good so

the guy too have a 100MBps speed

so in 1/100 sec he will download the page


let's assume 1000 guys visit the site in 1 sec

now your speed is

100mbps and to upload

1mb website to 1000 people

means 1000 mb

so to open a website time taken is


hope you are getting it


your hard disc speed is

10mbps,but internet speed is nice

but not the hard disc speed

so I can't rich my speed more than 10mbps

I am uploading but

my hard disc is not more than 10mbps

so if speed is not more than 10mbps than

I need 1000

mb download time is


so this much of time

means you shop is waste of product

people are knocking for 100sec

no one waits for 100 sec

here internet world is globall

here people are impatient

so it is believed if load times is less than 5 sec

then people are ok

if more than 10 sec then people

leaves from there,basically

so what to do now

here we can increase the hard disc speed

or we can decrease our website

load time

if it is of 1MB then I will be making it of 100KB

and 100KB website won't look appealing

and if not appealing then its of no use

you must have seen people spent alot in their shop decoration because

appealing leads to alot more conversation

and to make it appealing you need to

make it bigger

and for that you need nice server

in the same calculation

here ram and processing power too comes in

so how I would know

how much ram and processing power do my website need

so you got to know via server

in starting you bought shared server

and in share server you website is of


in normal shared server

at a time 100 people

it can handles

so if you need more

then you need to look at the shared server power

its core,ram

generally 1000 traffic

can be handled by a good shared server

if you need more then we switch to vps

for more you need dedicated

one more thing

here we talk about ram,processor,hard disc

in hard disc too we have a types,in ram too

we have a types, ddr1 ram

will be slower than ddr4 ram

our normal hard disc

hdd hard disc

will be slower than

ssd hard disc

the fastest hard disc is

mbps has a speed of 80mbps

and for ssd we have


and to go more than 1500 speed than you need to

have a multiple hard disc


so here comes the concept of cloud computing

in cloud computing

we have different-different servers

and host our website in it

so when a guy calls than

the browser downloads small-small files from all the servers

all the load gets shared

due to this the website runs faster,that is way cloud computing is better


if you need a real cloud computing than

buy above the dedicated one,in cloud too we have a shared hosting

but its of no use

because they can reduce its performance as much they want it

I will tell you more in this

now in hard disc we in our childhood

have been copied songs from it

if you had copied movies vs

1-1 MB photos

or 200-200 KB photos,whis is faster

photos use to transfer slowly

small 1KB

files transfer slowly

but a MB or a GB files transfer


you must have observed it

when I used to transfer a 4GB file

in pendrive then the speed used to come is 32


if I transfer a document file in KB

of about 50000 files

it took a whole lot time to transfer

I used to think about hard disc and other problems

in this we have a i/o

input output operations,so your server

can handle input output operations

at a time,the files we are talking

if you are transferring 1GB file then its 1 file only

but in small many files

you are having a lot of input output operations in it

so ideally the more number of input and output operations will be better

so big and new hard disc can do more

input and output operations in it

in hard disc you can have a 500 operations at a time

and in ssd you can have a 80000 operations

and psi,means above ssd

where you can have much more i/o operations

so any hosting may be shared

do check all these things

how much they are providing you the i/o operations

you can see in the video how to check

how much is load in your website

if the load is above 100% then

you need to upgrade that thing,ram usage is more than 100%

then you need to upgrade the ram,processing then

for processing,bandwidth

and all that,ideally

the most important factor is

if you have a small website than

you internet connection,if you have a fast internet connection then

the website will load faster

and suppose you made a wordpress website and installed alot of plugins in it than

then your cpu power too come in use

ram too,so need to work on cpu

now location

do matter

means my server is in delhi

and if someone opens a website from delhi

then data will tend to transfer faster in this case

there is a minute difference in the

speed,but if a guy opens from us

then it may take some time to open

the signal goes to us,then it will come back

in this process it may take few seconds

so ideally you need your website for india than

do take india server

but indian server tend to cost more because

india a hot climatic nation,so what to do with hot climate?

if your phone gets hot then its efficiency

gets low

so this is called throttling

so to cater this problem we need to make it cool

and to make it cool it cost higher

in cold countries,and I read about

all the big companies shifting

the servers to north pole

with this costing will decrease to 50%


there is a huge investment in making the hosting go run

because the computer is running all day

you can make it of your own

but the condition is it must run all day

all day internet connection

all stuffs in all day long

if it get damaged then its your loss

but in other we don't have to bear any loss

but if you buy a dedicated one or shared

and if that computer gets damaged then whose loss is it

you all data will be lost but on in the cloud

you have backups in cloud

ideally the big providers

gives you a weekly backups

they make a backup of it and put it in the cloud

now how to check it

take a website and search

there you can see waterfall modal

click on it and see how much time it takes to open a website

one more thing

swap memory

when you insert a pendrive in computer

where you see a option to make it a ram

people says it will increase you catch memory,your speed will increase

well this is swap memory

basically if you took vana ssd in a server

and ram of 4GB

so when the load comes in the whole 4GB memory gets over

so how to deal with it

you need to have a ssd,it will make

swap memory in the hard disc

so relatively it is 10-100 times

slower than normal

ram,ram speed is much faster

and ssd speed is relatively much slower

ram work is to

deal with the fast work,while ssd work is to

store the data

that is way ram is costly

if you want 2-4 GB ram than

it cost much than the pendrive

one more thing

input output weight time means

how much time we need to wait

my browser call me to I need a server

now he goes there,so the time taken to reach is how much

so we need to decrease the wait time

now here in our country

there is a over selling

let's assume

I am providing you the vps where

I will be providing you 2 core

in real take 1 core is of 1ghz

so out of 2 core 25%

is allocated to other vps

try to get it

so ideally

if I had a 16 core and providing every one with 2 core

than I have only 8 core option

but I mislead in it and

out of 8 core is allotted 25% to other

and by this I will earn 4times

so most of them are doing it

because the more number of customer the more revenue

so how to check it

there is no way,other is one,make you website run on the server

and on the other server too

if you are getting any difference than

there is a fraud in the server provider

so we got a gift from a company

we gonna to have our own vps,my website will gonna to host on

in this server only,our intellectualindies family

got the gift

what will you get is

I am providing you the link in the description

you will be getting free hosting for a period of 1 month

do check the server if it's running fast

or slow,do I need

more or not,if you liked

then use it or discard it

in all the plans you will be getting 30 days

return guarantee

do check everywhere

rest I liked their service

and I am gonna to host my website too

do check yourself

hope you get everything from

most detailed

video on servers and domain

do ask in the comment for any query

if you want how to make our own server than

do tell me in the comment

but ideally I won't suggest you,as you can have in a cheaper way

they are giving for Rs 2000 yearly

shared where I can make multiple website

10-20 website

in just Rs 2000

from me its good

with this the video ends

hope you liked it,like,share

do bookmark this video

whenever you want to buy a server or any one talks about it than

what to buy and what to not

buy good night,good morning

afternoon whenever you are watching

wanna to take your business online

but you don't know about domain,where to buy,cheap,good,its feature

what is hosting?meaning of it,benefits,types of it,which one to buy,which is the best,we will understand it

now you have a shop,you have products in it,

your shop has a name

your shop name is your domain

means domain,

all these are domains

so the business

comes in the internet

then we called it .com,.in


you had a land for the shop

that land is hosting

and shop above it is

website,these 3

you need to get it

now computers,virtual world

your website

where is it?

your shop is in your home you can see it

but your website is in hosting

hosting is nothing but a computer

or in the virtual world

now in computer has few things,RAM

processing power

hard disc,in phone too you have seen it

processor,RAM and

storage 128gb

so now understand based on your business

the more the bigger storage

means my shop

will be more bigger

and the more goods I can have in it


I go for a meal

in macd,and I get in a min

the order gets delivered in 5 min

they did it soon because of its less processing time

means if we want to improve these things then

then I need to improve my processor power

so if

you shop in a walmart,dmart then

there you find huge line in the billing outlet

so if you want to reduce the line then you need to

increase the number of cash outlet

where people buy the products

so with more number of counters will result in less time to buy

so this is RAM,these 3 things

we have more things to know

1st is domain

where to buy a domain?buy anywhere

today all the companies

provides the same feature,the one who provides the cheapest

buy from there

this is the most important,next is

transfer price


I bought a domain now

I did not liked there customers support

next point is customer support,if I don't like the support

I wanna to change and shift to other company

then I need to pay a sum for it

so this is transfer pricing,one thing more

the domain you have is on rent

here your company

provides the domain on yearly renewal

so you need to check the contract

of domain renewal,some provide for 1-2,3,5 years

and some more than that of it

so if you want your domain on your name

then do check for bigger contract time

do check the pricing,there customer support

google review about the company

do search in the search engines about the company

so this is it,one more thing

I told you your domain gets renew in every 1 year

suppose you took it for 2 years

and after that it gets expired and someone else buyed it

so some else has made his shop on your identity

now nothing you can do that

so for this there is a thing

where they notify you

as your domain is yet to expire,please renew it

ideally all the big companies notify you

but do check these service

on that company

but most important is do buy from the cheapest provider

you head about the big companies

buy from there and cheap one

now understand logically

we can feel the shop via touching

in this case your shop

about your domain,hosting

we can't touch it,so how is this happen

what is the concept behind it,let's assume

you may be watching this video on youtube app

or may be in browser,browser

like chrome

mozilla firefox,internet explorer

so you crawl your website in that browser

like in code.....

dash guy be presented,likewise in brower you put

.com be presented

the moment you open the youtube

the request goes to the hosting,where

the shop is present

now the browser work is to

put your shop

whis is stored in the hosting

download it to

your browser or your computer

so you browser downloaded the hole shope

and you can easily use it,now 2 things

is important,download and upload

you server upload time

and browser download

time,small factor

we will discuss in detail

one more thing

internet speed

your hosting internet seed

is how must fast,this is also called port speed

so the more faster port speed will be

result in the faster download and upload speed

basically when it will upload then only your browser download

so the faster upload will result in the faster download

this is the logic behind the upload and download

now you heard about data capping

upto 250GB you will be getting speed and after that it will decrease

likewise your server too

has a capping but here speed does not decrease

you get charged for it

so do check the transfer data plan

people see unlimited

bandwidth,ideally it is not unlimited

do check in the terms and conditions

but so check your bandwidth requirement

I will teach you how to calculate it

now you computer has a operating system

if you have a windows,then you must be having an original one

not pirated

because your website is secure

pirated may got hacked and you server name will be destroyed

so ideally your original

window is pricy and so

windows hosting is costly

but linux is a free open source operating system

any one can use it for free

so here the hosting

will be cheaper,but why we would buy windows hosting?

if you website has a specific

programming on it or specific software in it

which will run only in windows then you need to have a windows hosting

like I edit my video in final cut pro

and to run that you need an apple computer

so this is the same problem in server and hosting

you need to have a specific operating system

ideally if you use wordpress

for basic website

then linux hosting is good

we have 3 types of server

one is dedicated hosting


the hole computer box is yours

all RAM and things in it is yours

in this we have virtual private server

in this

if you tried to run apple in windows computer

I tried alot

for that we need vmware

you must have played pubg in computer

so to run an android application you need

an emulator,so basically to run that application

it comes here

so in vmware you can allocate

if you have a 16GB ram then

the software

will take 4GB ram,amount of hard disc,amount of processing power

so I can allocate here

so in dedicated we divided 3

or 4 windows we have and all the 4 windows

have same power,suppose I had a 4 quad core processor

and give it 1-1 core to all the 4 windows

16Gb ram divided into 4GB each

1TB storage is divided into 250GB each

so this is the vps server

now all the resources is divided among themself

internet speed will divide

next is shared

in this we made more divisions in vps

ans installed a number of websites

different c-panels

so this is it about hosting,so now if you

are stating then buy shared one

dedicated is to huge site or business

I will explain how to calculate

let's assume you website is

of 1MB means

from your sever the data is downloaded is

of 1MB

so if

guy comes to your website then

he downloads it

suppose your upload speed is


not divided by 8

so 100MB is downloaded in your computer

buy the guy internet speed is


if less than

the time taken to download 100MB

page will download

but ideally today's internet speed is good so

the guy too have a 100MBps speed

so in 1/100 sec he will download the page


let's assume 1000 guys visit the site in 1 sec

now your speed is

100mbps and to upload

1mb website to 1000 people

means 1000 mb

so to open a website time taken is


hope you are getting it


your hard disc speed is

10mbps,but internet speed is nice

but not the hard disc speed

so I can't rich my speed more than 10mbps

I am uploading but

my hard disc is not more than 10mbps

so if speed is not more than 10mbps than

I need 1000

mb download time is


so this much of time

means you shop is waste of product

people are knocking for 100sec

no one waits for 100 sec

here internet world is globall

here people are impatient

so it is believed if load times is less than 5 sec

then people are ok

if more than 10 sec then people

leaves from there,basically

so what to do now

here we can increase the hard disc speed

or we can decrease our website

load time

if it is of 1MB then I will be making it of 100KB

and 100KB website won't look appealing

and if not appealing then its of no use

you must have seen people spent alot in their shop decoration because

appealing leads to alot more conversation

and to make it appealing you need to

make it bigger

and for that you need nice server

in the same calculation

here ram and processing power too comes in

so how I would know

how much ram and processing power do my website need

so you got to know via server

in starting you bought shared server

and in share server you website is of


in normal shared server

at a time 100 people

it can handles

so if you need more

then you need to look at the shared server power

its core,ram

generally 1000 traffic

can be handled by a good shared server

if you need more then we switch to vps

for more you need dedicated

one more thing

here we talk about ram,processor,hard disc

in hard disc too we have a types,in ram too

we have a types, ddr1 ram

will be slower than ddr4 ram

our normal hard disc

hdd hard disc

will be slower than

ssd hard disc

the fastest hard disc is

mbps has a speed of 80mbps

and for ssd we have


and to go more than 1500 speed than you need to

have a multiple hard disc


so here comes the concept of cloud computing

in cloud computing

we have different-different servers

and host our website in it

so when a guy calls than

the browser downloads small-small files from all the servers

all the load gets shared

due to this the website runs faster,that is way cloud computing is better


if you need a real cloud computing than

buy above the dedicated one,in cloud too we have a shared hosting

but its of no use

because they can reduce its performance as much they want it

I will tell you more in this

now in hard disc we in our childhood

have been copied songs from it

if you had copied movies vs

1-1 MB photos

or 200-200 KB photos,whis is faster

photos use to transfer slowly

small 1KB

files transfer slowly

but a MB or a GB files transfer


you must have observed it

when I used to transfer a 4GB file

in pendrive then the speed used to come is 32


if I transfer a document file in KB

of about 50000 files

it took a whole lot time to transfer

I used to think about hard disc and other problems

in this we have a i/o

input output operations,so your server

can handle input output operations

at a time,the files we are talking

if you are transferring 1GB file then its 1 file only

but in small many files

you are having a lot of input output operations in it

so ideally the more number of input and output operations will be better

so big and new hard disc can do more

input and output operations in it

in hard disc you can have a 500 operations at a time

and in ssd you can have a 80000 operations

and psi,means above ssd

where you can have much more i/o operations

so any hosting may be shared

do check all these things

how much they are providing you the i/o operations

you can see in the video how to check

how much is load in your website

if the load is above 100% then

you need to upgrade that thing,ram usage is more than 100%

then you need to upgrade the ram,processing then

for processing,bandwidth

and all that,ideally

the most important factor is

if you have a small website than

you internet connection,if you have a fast internet connection then

the website will load faster

and suppose you made a wordpress website and installed alot of plugins in it than

then your cpu power too come in use

ram too,so need to work on cpu

now location

do matter

means my server is in delhi

and if someone opens a website from delhi

then data will tend to transfer faster in this case

there is a minute difference in the

speed,but if a guy opens from us

then it may take some time to open

the signal goes to us,then it will come back

in this process it may take few seconds

so ideally you need your website for india than

do take india server

but indian server tend to cost more because

india a hot climatic nation,so what to do with hot climate?

if your phone gets hot then its efficiency

gets low

so this is called throttling

so to cater this problem we need to make it cool

and to make it cool it cost higher

in cold countries,and I read about

all the big companies shifting

the servers to north pole

with this costing will decrease to 50%


there is a huge investment in making the hosting go run

because the computer is running all day

you can make it of your own

but the condition is it must run all day

all day internet connection

all stuffs in all day long

if it get damaged then its your loss

but in other we don't have to bear any loss

but if you buy a dedicated one or shared

and if that computer gets damaged then whose loss is it

you all data will be lost but on in the cloud

you have backups in cloud

ideally the big providers

gives you a weekly backups

they make a backup of it and put it in the cloud

now how to check it

take a website and search

there you can see waterfall modal

click on it and see how much time it takes to open a website

one more thing

swap memory

when you insert a pendrive in computer

where you see a option to make it a ram

people says it will increase you catch memory,your speed will increase

well this is swap memory

basically if you took vana ssd in a server

and ram of 4GB

so when the load comes in the whole 4GB memory gets over

so how to deal with it

you need to have a ssd,it will make

swap memory in the hard disc

so relatively it is 10-100 times

slower than normal

ram,ram speed is much faster

and ssd speed is relatively much slower

ram work is to

deal with the fast work,while ssd work is to

store the data

that is way ram is costly

if you want 2-4 GB ram than

it cost much than the pendrive

one more thing

input output weight time means

how much time we need to wait

my browser call me to I need a server

now he goes there,so the time taken to reach is how much

so we need to decrease the wait time

now here in our country

there is a over selling

let's assume

I am providing you the vps where

I will be providing you 2 core

in real take 1 core is of 1ghz

so out of 2 core 25%

is allocated to other vps

try to get it

so ideally

if I had a 16 core and providing every one with 2 core

than I have only 8 core option

but I mislead in it and

out of 8 core is allotted 25% to other

and by this I will earn 4times

so most of them are doing it

because the more number of customer the more revenue

so how to check it

there is no way,other is one,make you website run on the server

and on the other server too

if you are getting any difference than

there is a fraud in the server provider

so we got a gift from a company

we gonna to have our own vps,my website will gonna to host on

in this server only,our intellectualindies family

got the gift

what will you get is

I am providing you the link in the description

you will be getting free hosting for a period of 1 month

do check the server if it's running fast

or slow,do I need

more or not,if you liked

then use it or discard it

in all the plans you will be getting 30 days

return guarantee

do check everywhere

rest I liked their service

and I am gonna to host my website too

do check yourself

hope you get everything from

most detailed

video on servers and domain

do ask in the comment for any query

if you want how to make our own server than

do tell me in the comment

but ideally I won't suggest you,as you can have in a cheaper way

they are giving for Rs 2000 yearly

shared where I can make multiple website

10-20 website

in just Rs 2000

from me its good

with this the video ends

hope you liked it,like,share

do bookmark this video

whenever you want to buy a server or any one talks about it than

what to buy and what to not

buy good night,good morning

afternoon whenever you are watching

 wanna take your business online but you don't know about the domain, where to buy,cheap, good,its featurewhat is hosting? meaning of it, benefits,types of it, which one to buy, which is the best,we will understand it

now you have a shop,you have products in it, your shop has a name your shop name is your domain means domain,

all these are domains

so the business

comes in the internet

then we called it .com,.in


you had a land for the shop

that land is hosting

and shop above it is

website,these 3

you need to get it

now computers,virtual world

your website

where is it?

your shop is in your home you can see it

but your website is in hosting

hosting is nothing but a computer

or in the virtual world

now in computer has few things,RAM

processing power

hard disc,in phone too you have seen it

processor,RAM and

storage 128gb

so now understand based on your business

the more the bigger storage

means my shop

will be more bigger

and the more goods I can have in it


I go for a meal

in macd,and I get in a min

the order gets delivered in 5 min

they did it soon because of its less processing time

means if we want to improve these things then

then I need to improve my processor power

so if

you shop in a walmart,dmart then

there you find huge line in the billing outlet

so if you want to reduce the line then you need to

increase the number of cash outlet

where people buy the products

so with more number of counters will result in less time to buy

so this is RAM,these 3 things

we have more things to know

1st is domain

where to buy a domain?buy anywhere

today all the companies

provides the same feature,the one who provides the cheapest

buy from there

this is the most important,next is

transfer price


I bought a domain now

I did not liked there customers support

next point is customer support,if I don't like the support

I wanna to change and shift to other company

then I need to pay a sum for it

so this is transfer pricing,one thing more

the domain you have is on rent

here your company

provides the domain on yearly renewal

so you need to check the contract

of domain renewal,some provide for 1-2,3,5 years

and some more than that of it

so if you want your domain on your name

then do check for bigger contract time

do check the pricing,there customer support

google review about the company

do search in the search engines about the company

so this is it,one more thing

I told you your domain gets renew in every 1 year

suppose you took it for 2 years

and after that it gets expired and someone else buyed it

so some else has made his shop on your identity

now nothing you can do that

so for this there is a thing

where they notify you

as your domain is yet to expire,please renew it

ideally all the big companies notify you

but do check these service

on that company

but most important is do buy from the cheapest provider

you head about the big companies

buy from there and cheap one

now understand logically

we can feel the shop via touching

in this case your shop

about your domain,hosting

we can't touch it,so how is this happen

what is the concept behind it,let's assume

you may be watching this video on youtube app

or may be in browser,browser

like chrome

mozilla firefox,internet explorer

so you crawl your website in that browser

like in code.....

dash guy be presented,likewise in brower you put

.com be presented

the moment you open the youtube

the request goes to the hosting,where

the shop is present

now the browser work is to

put your shop

whis is stored in the hosting

download it to

your browser or your computer

so you browser downloaded the hole shope

and you can easily use it,now 2 things

is important,download and upload

you server upload time

and browser download

time,small factor

we will discuss in detail

one more thing

internet speed

your hosting internet seed

is how must fast,this is also called port speed

so the more faster port speed will be

result in the faster download and upload speed

basically when it will upload then only your browser download

so the faster upload will result in the faster download

this is the logic behind the upload and download

now you heard about data capping

upto 250GB you will be getting speed and after that it will decrease

likewise your server too

has a capping but here speed does not decrease

you get charged for it

so do check the transfer data plan

people see unlimited

bandwidth,ideally it is not unlimited

do check in the terms and conditions

but so check your bandwidth requirement

I will teach you how to calculate it

now you computer has a operating system

if you have a windows,then you must be having an original one

not pirated

because your website is secure

pirated may got hacked and you server name will be destroyed

so ideally your original

window is pricy and so

windows hosting is costly

but linux is a free open source operating system

any one can use it for free

so here the hosting

will be cheaper,but why we would buy windows hosting?

if you website has a specific

programming on it or specific software in it

which will run only in windows then you need to have a windows hosting

like I edit my video in final cut pro

and to run that you need an apple computer

so this is the same problem in server and hosting

you need to have a specific operating system

ideally if you use wordpress

for basic website

then linux hosting is good

we have 3 types of server

one is dedicated hosting


the hole computer box is yours

all RAM and things in it is yours

in this we have virtual private server

in this

if you tried to run apple in windows computer

I tried alot

for that we need vmware

you must have played pubg in computer

so to run an android application you need

an emulator,so basically to run that application

it comes here

so in vmware you can allocate

if you have a 16GB ram then

the software

will take 4GB ram,amount of hard disc,amount of processing power

so I can allocate here

so in dedicated we divided 3

or 4 windows we have and all the 4 windows

have same power,suppose I had a 4 quad core processor

and give it 1-1 core to all the 4 windows

16Gb ram divided into 4GB each

1TB storage is divided into 250GB each

so this is the vps server

now all the resources is divided among themself

internet speed will divide

next is shared

in this we made more divisions in vps

ans installed a number of websites

different c-panels

so this is it about hosting,so now if you

are stating then buy shared one

dedicated is to huge site or business

I will explain how to calculate

let's assume you website is

of 1MB means

from your sever the data is downloaded is

of 1MB

so if

guy comes to your website then

he downloads it

suppose your upload speed is


not divided by 8

so 100MB is downloaded in your computer

buy the guy internet speed is


if less than

the time taken to download 100MB

page will download

but ideally today's internet speed is good so

the guy too have a 100MBps speed

so in 1/100 sec he will download the page


let's assume 1000 guys visit the site in 1 sec

now your speed is

100mbps and to upload

1mb website to 1000 people

means 1000 mb

so to open a website time taken is


hope you are getting it


your hard disc speed is

10mbps,but internet speed is nice

but not the hard disc speed

so I can't rich my speed more than 10mbps

I am uploading but

my hard disc is not more than 10mbps

so if speed is not more than 10mbps than

I need 1000

mb download time is


so this much of time

means you shop is waste of product

people are knocking for 100sec

no one waits for 100 sec

here internet world is globall

here people are impatient

so it is believed if load times is less than 5 sec

then people are ok

if more than 10 sec then people

leaves from there,basically

so what to do now

here we can increase the hard disc speed

or we can decrease our website

load time

if it is of 1MB then I will be making it of 100KB

and 100KB website won't look appealing

and if not appealing then its of no use

you must have seen people spent alot in their shop decoration because

appealing leads to alot more conversation

and to make it appealing you need to

make it bigger

and for that you need nice server

in the same calculation

here ram and processing power too comes in

so how I would know

how much ram and processing power do my website need

so you got to know via server

in starting you bought shared server

and in share server you website is of


in normal shared server

at a time 100 people

it can handles

so if you need more

then you need to look at the shared server power

its core,ram

generally 1000 traffic

can be handled by a good shared server

if you need more then we switch to vps

for more you need dedicated

one more thing

here we talk about ram,processor,hard disc

in hard disc too we have a types,in ram too

we have a types, ddr1 ram

will be slower than ddr4 ram

our normal hard disc

hdd hard disc

will be slower than

ssd hard disc

the fastest hard disc is

mbps has a speed of 80mbps

and for ssd we have


and to go more than 1500 speed than you need to

have a multiple hard disc


so here comes the concept of cloud computing

in cloud computing

we have different-different servers

and host our website in it

so when a guy calls than

the browser downloads small-small files from all the servers

all the load gets shared

due to this the website runs faster,that is way cloud computing is better


if you need a real cloud computing than

buy above the dedicated one,in cloud too we have a shared hosting

but its of no use

because they can reduce its performance as much they want it

I will tell you more in this

now in hard disc we in our childhood

have been copied songs from it

if you had copied movies vs

1-1 MB photos

or 200-200 KB photos,whis is faster

photos use to transfer slowly

small 1KB

files transfer slowly

but a MB or a GB files transfer


you must have observed it

when I used to transfer a 4GB file

in pendrive then the speed used to come is 32


if I transfer a document file in KB

of about 50000 files

it took a whole lot time to transfer

I used to think about hard disc and other problems

in this we have a i/o

input output operations,so your server

can handle input output operations

at a time,the files we are talking

if you are transferring 1GB file then its 1 file only

but in small many files

you are having a lot of input output operations in it

so ideally the more number of input and output operations will be better

so big and new hard disc can do more

input and output operations in it

in hard disc you can have a 500 operations at a time

and in ssd you can have a 80000 operations

and psi,means above ssd

where you can have much more i/o operations

so any hosting may be shared

do check all these things

how much they are providing you the i/o operations

you can see in the video how to check

how much is load in your website

if the load is above 100% then

you need to upgrade that thing,ram usage is more than 100%

then you need to upgrade the ram,processing then

for processing,bandwidth

and all that,ideally

the most important factor is

if you have a small website than

you internet connection,if you have a fast internet connection then

the website will load faster

and suppose you made a wordpress website and installed alot of plugins in it than

then your cpu power too come in use

ram too,so need to work on cpu

now location

do matter

means my server is in delhi

and if someone opens a website from delhi

then data will tend to transfer faster in this case

there is a minute difference in the

speed,but if a guy opens from us

then it may take some time to open

the signal goes to us,then it will come back

in this process it may take few seconds

so ideally you need your website for india than

do take india server

but indian server tend to cost more because

india a hot climatic nation,so what to do with hot climate?

if your phone gets hot then its efficiency

gets low

so this is called throttling

so to cater this problem we need to make it cool

and to make it cool it cost higher

in cold countries,and I read about

all the big companies shifting

the servers to north pole

with this costing will decrease to 50%


there is a huge investment in making the hosting go run

because the computer is running all day

you can make it of your own

but the condition is it must run all day

all day internet connection

all stuffs in all day long

if it get damaged then its your loss

but in other we don't have to bear any loss

but if you buy a dedicated one or shared

and if that computer gets damaged then whose loss is it

you all data will be lost but on in the cloud

you have backups in cloud

ideally the big providers

gives you a weekly backups

they make a backup of it and put it in the cloud

now how to check it

take a website and search

there you can see waterfall modal

click on it and see how much time it takes to open a website

one more thing

swap memory

when you insert a pendrive in computer

where you see a option to make it a ram

people says it will increase you catch memory,your speed will increase

well this is swap memory

basically if you took vana ssd in a server

and ram of 4GB

so when the load comes in the whole 4GB memory gets over

so how to deal with it

you need to have a ssd,it will make

swap memory in the hard disc

so relatively it is 10-100 times

slower than normal

ram,ram speed is much faster

and ssd speed is relatively much slower

ram work is to

deal with the fast work,while ssd work is to

store the data

that is way ram is costly

if you want 2-4 GB ram than

it cost much than the pendrive

one more thing

input output weight time means

how much time we need to wait

my browser call me to I need a server

now he goes there,so the time taken to reach is how much

so we need to decrease the wait time

now here in our country

there is a over selling

let's assume

I am providing you the vps where

I will be providing you 2 core

in real take 1 core is of 1ghz

so out of 2 core 25%

is allocated to other vps

try to get it

so ideally

if I had a 16 core and providing every one with 2 core

than I have only 8 core option

but I mislead in it and

out of 8 core is allotted 25% to other

and by this I will earn 4times

so most of them are doing it

because the more number of customer the more revenue

so how to check it

there is no way,other is one,make you website run on the server

and on the other server too

if you are getting any difference than

there is a fraud in the server provider

so we got a gift from a company

we gonna to have our own vps,my website will gonna to host on

in this server only,our intellectualindies family

got the gift

what will you get is

I am providing you the link in the description

you will be getting free hosting for a period of 1 month

do check the server if it's running fast

or slow,do I need

more or not,if you liked

then use it or discard it

in all the plans you will be getting 30 days

return guarantee

do check everywhere

rest I liked their service

and I am gonna to host my website too

do check yourself

hope you get everything from

most detailed

video on servers and domain

do ask in the comment for any query

if you want how to make our own server than

do tell me in the comment

but ideally I won't suggest you,as you can have in a cheaper way

they are giving for Rs 2000 yearly

shared where I can make multiple website

10-20 website

in just Rs 2000

from me its good

with this the video ends

hope you liked it,like,share

do bookmark this video

whenever you want to buy a server or any one talks about it than

what to buy and what to not

buy good night,good morning

afternoon whenever you are watching

wanna to take your business online

but you don't know about domain,where to buy,cheap,good,its feature

what is hosting?meaning of it,benefits,types of it,which one to buy,which is the best,we will understand it

now you have a shop,you have products in it,

your shop has a name

your shop name is your domain

means domain,

all these are domains

so the business

comes in the internet

then we called it .com,.in


you had a land for the shop

that land is hosting

and shop above it is

website,these 3

you need to get it

now computers,virtual world

your website

where is it?

your shop is in your home you can see it

but your website is in hosting

hosting is nothing but a computer

or in the virtual world

now in computer has few things,RAM

processing power

hard disc,in phone too you have seen it

processor,RAM and

storage 128gb

so now understand based on your business

the more the bigger storage

means my shop

will be more bigger

and the more goods I can have in it


I go for a meal

in macd,and I get in a min

the order gets delivered in 5 min

they did it soon because of its less processing time

means if we want to improve these things then

then I need to improve my processor power

so if

you shop in a walmart,dmart then

there you find huge line in the billing outlet

so if you want to reduce the line then you need to

increase the number of cash outlet

where people buy the products

so with more number of counters will result in less time to buy

so this is RAM,these 3 things

we have more things to know

1st is domain

where to buy a domain?buy anywhere

today all the companies

provides the same feature,the one who provides the cheapest

buy from there

this is the most important,next is

transfer price


I bought a domain now

I did not liked there customers support

next point is customer support,if I don't like the support

I wanna to change and shift to other company

then I need to pay a sum for it

so this is transfer pricing,one thing more

the domain you have is on rent

here your company

provides the domain on yearly renewal

so you need to check the contract

of domain renewal,some provide for 1-2,3,5 years

and some more than that of it

so if you want your domain on your name

then do check for bigger contract time

do check the pricing,there customer support

google review about the company

do search in the search engines about the company

so this is it,one more thing

I told you your domain gets renew in every 1 year

suppose you took it for 2 years

and after that it gets expired and someone else buyed it

so some else has made his shop on your identity

now nothing you can do that

so for this there is a thing

where they notify you

as your domain is yet to expire,please renew it

ideally all the big companies notify you

but do check these service

on that company

but most important is do buy from the cheapest provider

you head about the big companies

buy from there and cheap one

now understand logically

we can feel the shop via touching

in this case your shop

about your domain,hosting

we can't touch it,so how is this happen

what is the concept behind it,let's assume

you may be watching this video on youtube app

or may be in browser,browser

like chrome

mozilla firefox,internet explorer

so you crawl your website in that browser

like in code.....

dash guy be presented,likewise in brower you put

.com be presented

the moment you open the youtube

the request goes to the hosting,where

the shop is present

now the browser work is to

put your shop

whis is stored in the hosting

download it to

your browser or your computer

so you browser downloaded the hole shope

and you can easily use it,now 2 things

is important,download and upload

you server upload time

and browser download

time,small factor

we will discuss in detail

one more thing

internet speed

your hosting internet seed

is how must fast,this is also called port speed

so the more faster port speed will be

result in the faster download and upload speed

basically when it will upload then only your browser download

so the faster upload will result in the faster download

this is the logic behind the upload and download

now you heard about data capping

upto 250GB you will be getting speed and after that it will decrease

likewise your server too

has a capping but here speed does not decrease

you get charged for it

so do check the transfer data plan

people see unlimited

bandwidth,ideally it is not unlimited

do check in the terms and conditions

but so check your bandwidth requirement

I will teach you how to calculate it

now you computer has a operating system

if you have a windows,then you must be having an original one

not pirated

because your website is secure

pirated may got hacked and you server name will be destroyed

so ideally your original

window is pricy and so

windows hosting is costly

but linux is a free open source operating system

any one can use it for free

so here the hosting

will be cheaper,but why we would buy windows hosting?

if you website has a specific

programming on it or specific software in it

which will run only in windows then you need to have a windows hosting

like I edit my video in final cut pro

and to run that you need an apple computer

so this is the same problem in server and hosting

you need to have a specific operating system

ideally if you use wordpress

for basic website

then linux hosting is good

we have 3 types of server

one is dedicated hosting


the hole computer box is yours

all RAM and things in it is yours

in this we have virtual private server

in this

if you tried to run apple in windows computer

I tried alot

for that we need vmware

you must have played pubg in computer

so to run an android application you need

an emulator,so basically to run that application

it comes here

so in vmware you can allocate

if you have a 16GB ram then

the software

will take 4GB ram,amount of hard disc,amount of processing power

so I can allocate here

so in dedicated we divided 3

or 4 windows we have and all the 4 windows

have same power,suppose I had a 4 quad core processor

and give it 1-1 core to all the 4 windows

16Gb ram divided into 4GB each

1TB storage is divided into 250GB each

so this is the vps server

now all the resources is divided among themself

internet speed will divide

next is shared

in this we made more divisions in vps

ans installed a number of websites

different c-panels

so this is it about hosting,so now if you

are stating then buy shared one

dedicated is to huge site or business

I will explain how to calculate

let's assume you website is

of 1MB means

from your sever the data is downloaded is

of 1MB

so if

guy comes to your website then

he downloads it

suppose your upload speed is


not divided by 8

so 100MB is downloaded in your computer

buy the guy internet speed is


if less than

the time taken to download 100MB

page will download

but ideally today's internet speed is good so

the guy too have a 100MBps speed

so in 1/100 sec he will download the page


let's assume 1000 guys visit the site in 1 sec

now your speed is

100mbps and to upload

1mb website to 1000 people

means 1000 mb

so to open a website time taken is


hope you are getting it


your hard disc speed is

10mbps,but internet speed is nice

but not the hard disc speed

so I can't rich my speed more than 10mbps

I am uploading but

my hard disc is not more than 10mbps

so if speed is not more than 10mbps than

I need 1000

mb download time is


so this much of time

means you shop is waste of product

people are knocking for 100sec

no one waits for 100 sec

here internet world is globall

here people are impatient

so it is believed if load times is less than 5 sec

then people are ok

if more than 10 sec then people

leaves from there,basically

so what to do now

here we can increase the hard disc speed

or we can decrease our website

load time

if it is of 1MB then I will be making it of 100KB

and 100KB website won't look appealing

and if not appealing then its of no use

you must have seen people spent alot in their shop decoration because

appealing leads to alot more conversation

and to make it appealing you need to

make it bigger

and for that you need nice server

in the same calculation

here ram and processing power too comes in

so how I would know

how much ram and processing power do my website need

so you got to know via server

in starting you bought shared server

and in share server you website is of


in normal shared server

at a time 100 people

it can handles

so if you need more

then you need to look at the shared server power

its core,ram

generally 1000 traffic

can be handled by a good shared server

if you need more then we switch to vps

for more you need dedicated

one more thing

here we talk about ram,processor,hard disc

in hard disc too we have a types,in ram too

we have a types, ddr1 ram

will be slower than ddr4 ram

our normal hard disc

hdd hard disc

will be slower than

ssd hard disc

the fastest hard disc is

mbps has a speed of 80mbps

and for ssd we have


and to go more than 1500 speed than you need to

have a multiple hard disc


so here comes the concept of cloud computing

in cloud computing

we have different-different servers

and host our website in it

so when a guy calls than

the browser downloads small-small files from all the servers

all the load gets shared

due to this the website runs faster,that is way cloud computing is better


if you need a real cloud computing than

buy above the dedicated one,in cloud too we have a shared hosting

but its of no use

because they can reduce its performance as much they want it

I will tell you more in this

now in hard disc we in our childhood

have been copied songs from it

if you had copied movies vs

1-1 MB photos

or 200-200 KB photos,whis is faster

photos use to transfer slowly

small 1KB

files transfer slowly

but a MB or a GB files transfer


you must have observed it

when I used to transfer a 4GB file

in pendrive then the speed used to come is 32


if I transfer a document file in KB

of about 50000 files

it took a whole lot time to transfer

I used to think about hard disc and other problems

in this we have a i/o

input output operations,so your server

can handle input output operations

at a time,the files we are talking

if you are transferring 1GB file then its 1 file only

but in small many files

you are having a lot of input output operations in it

so ideally the more number of input and output operations will be better

so big and new hard disc can do more

input and output operations in it

in hard disc you can have a 500 operations at a time

and in ssd you can have a 80000 operations

and psi,means above ssd

where you can have much more i/o operations

so any hosting may be shared

do check all these things

how much they are providing you the i/o operations

you can see in the video how to check

how much is load in your website

if the load is above 100% then

you need to upgrade that thing,ram usage is more than 100%

then you need to upgrade the ram,processing then

for processing,bandwidth

and all that,ideally

the most important factor is

if you have a small website than

you internet connection,if you have a fast internet connection then

the website will load faster

and suppose you made a wordpress website and installed alot of plugins in it than

then your cpu power too come in use

ram too,so need to work on cpu

now location

do matter

means my server is in delhi

and if someone opens a website from delhi

then data will tend to transfer faster in this case

there is a minute difference in the

speed,but if a guy opens from us

then it may take some time to open

the signal goes to us,then it will come back

in this process it may take few seconds

so ideally you need your website for india than

do take india server

but indian server tend to cost more because

india a hot climatic nation,so what to do with hot climate?

if your phone gets hot then its efficiency

gets low

so this is called throttling

so to cater this problem we need to make it cool

and to make it cool it cost higher

in cold countries,and I read about

all the big companies shifting

the servers to north pole

with this costing will decrease to 50%


there is a huge investment in making the hosting go run

because the computer is running all day

you can make it of your own

but the condition is it must run all day

all day internet connection

all stuffs in all day long

if it get damaged then its your loss

but in other we don't have to bear any loss

but if you buy a dedicated one or shared

and if that computer gets damaged then whose loss is it

you all data will be lost but on in the cloud

you have backups in cloud

ideally the big providers

gives you a weekly backups

they make a backup of it and put it in the cloud

now how to check it

take a website and search

there you can see waterfall modal

click on it and see how much time it takes to open a website

one more thing

swap memory

when you insert a pendrive in computer

where you see a option to make it a ram

people says it will increase you catch memory,your speed will increase

well this is swap memory

basically if you took vana ssd in a server

and ram of 4GB

so when the load comes in the whole 4GB memory gets over

so how to deal with it

you need to have a ssd,it will make

swap memory in the hard disc

so relatively it is 10-100 times

slower than normal

ram,ram speed is much faster

and ssd speed is relatively much slower

ram work is to

deal with the fast work,while ssd work is to

store the data

that is way ram is costly

if you want 2-4 GB ram than

it cost much than the pendrive

one more thing

input output weight time means

how much time we need to wait

my browser call me to I need a server

now he goes there,so the time taken to reach is how much

so we need to decrease the wait time

now here in our country

there is a over selling

let's assume

I am providing you the vps where

I will be providing you 2 core

in real take 1 core is of 1ghz

so out of 2 core 25%

is allocated to other vps

try to get it

so ideally

if I had a 16 core and providing every one with 2 core

than I have only 8 core option

but I mislead in it and

out of 8 core is allotted 25% to other

and by this I will earn 4times

so most of them are doing it

because the more number of customer the more revenue

so how to check it

there is no way,other is one,make you website run on the server

and on the other server too

if you are getting any difference than

there is a fraud in the server provider

so we got a gift from a company

we gonna to have our own vps,my website will gonna to host on

in this server only,our intellectualindies family

got the gift

what will you get is

I am providing you the link in the description

you will be getting free hosting for a period of 1 month

do check the server if it's running fast

or slow,do I need

more or not,if you liked

then use it or discard it

in all the plans you will be getting 30 days

return guarantee

do check everywhere

rest I liked their service

and I am gonna to host my website too

do check yourself

hope you get everything from

most detailed

video on servers and domain

do ask in the comment for any query

if you want how to make our own server than

do tell me in the comment

but ideally I won't suggest you,as you can have in a cheaper way

they are giving for Rs 2000 yearly

shared where I can make multiple website

10-20 website

in just Rs 2000

from me its good

with this the video ends

hope you liked it,like,share

do bookmark this video

whenever you want to buy a server or any one talks about it than

what to buy and what to not

buy good night,good morning

afternoon whenever you are watching


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