Start a blog in 2022
A blog is a discussion or informational website published on the internet consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries called posts. It is an online article or an online journal that shares information about different topics depending on the topic of the blob.
In today's blog, we are going to see how you can start a blog in 2022 and earn a handsome amount of income through it.
A lot of people think about How to start a blog for free but they don't have sufficient information about it. After reading this article you would have a clear concept about :
What is a blog?
How to start a blog for free?
How to write a blog?
How to make money from a blog?
Top 10 passive income ideas that can make you rich in 2022
Steps to start a blog:
there are some easy steps that you can follow in order to write a profitable blog that can be beneficial for you and your audience following are the steps to start a blog;
1. Select your Niche for the blog.
2. Select a blogging platform.
3. Choose a web-hosting for your blog.
4. Write your blogs.
5. Do SEO for your blogs.
6. Promote your blogs through marketing
7. Earn money from blogging for free.
1. Select a good niche for blogging:
Before you start a blog you have to decide on a niche for your blog. A niche is generally the central idea of your blogging website. All the content of your blogs revolves around the niche of your blog so be careful about selecting a niche for your blogging website.
Moreover, your selected niche must be profitable and under public discussion so that more audience will be visiting your blog and more revenue could be generated from your blog.
There are some conditions that you should remember while searching a niche for your blogging website:
- Your interest in the particular niche,.
- your targeted audience.
- your research about the particular niche..
- the CPC rate of your niche.
2. Selecting a Blogging platform:
After deciding the profitable niche of your blog now it is time for you to select a blogging platform.
As you are going to write a blog and blog is simply a website where you will publish your blogs or articles.
There are two main platforms for blogging being used worldwide:
1. Blogger.
2. WordPress.
If you are just a starter who doesn't know much about blogging and tools then it is highly recommended to go with Blogger. Blogger is a website for writing blogs. Blogger is owned by Goolge LLC which provide a good opportunity for all Blogger to publish their blogs for free without any kind of charges.
o8jFBNFKK4vs6GWCQqlP0Bua_1TbNynvcFCJ1YHQ7YZEx9VKlpZG1XSs9eNmHdviYzijKgd2vb9LwxQAEFFXLl5C-zw0r5jEruPyfnLhpIzWMKFF6KSCz9Jnd/w320-h320/How to start a blog in 2022.png" title="How to start a blog in 2022" width="320" />The interface of Blogger is very simple and is easily understandable for all kind of blogger who wants to publish their content. The interface of a blogger is so simple that a person with a simple knowledge of using a computer can easily use this platform.
on the other hand, there are also some disadvantages of using Blogger. The Blogger doesn't provide some smart features to its users that the other competitors are providing to their users. For example one of the biggest competitors of Blogger is Word press that is providing many useful features and plugins to its users.
WordPress is the best platform to start blogging if you are going to start a blog and you have some intermediate level of knowledge about using computers and different software. But there is one disadvantage of using WordPress is that you have to buy Webhosting for starting your blog.
so if you are just a beginner with no budget so you should go with Blogger and if you have some budget to invest then you should go with WordPress.
3. Webhosting for your blog:
After following the previous steps now it's time to have a web hosting service is generally an internet service that hosts your website in simple words your blogging website will be hosted on the server of that company.
all the content of your blog on the website will be uploaded on the server of your respective web hosting service provider whenever your audience will visit your website the web hosting server with display all your content to your audience. there is a lot of web hosting services is currently available you can check them out I can least some of them in the list below :
Bluehost, 000webhost.
If you are a beginner and have a very low budget then you can try out 000 WebHost but if you have a good budget then I will highly recommend you to use Bluehost web hosting but if your budget is too tight and you cannot afford any web hosting then it is my advice create your blog on Blogger because on Blogger you don't have to pay for a web hosting and Blogger provides you free web hosting after that when your blog will be approved by Google AdSense and you are in a state of earning money then you can upgrade to Bluehost hosting service.
I will highly recommend you to use blue host web hosting because Bluehost provide very good web hosting services and a lot of bloggers are highly satisfied with the services
4.Write your Blog:
Now that you have chosen a niche and arranged a web hosting or you are using blogger that is providing free of cost web hosting services it is time how to write a blog. now it's time to write whatever you want to write and share it with your audience.
while writing blogs you should be very careful about your audience if you write blogs that are touching the hearts of your audience your organic audience will increase with leaves and Pounds day by day but if you are not showing responsible behaviour and using ethical ways of writing your content your posts will not be indexed by Google resultantly your blog will not be ranked in Google and you will get no response for all your hard work.
while writing blogs there are some points that are to be addressed:
1. You should not promote violence and extremism in your blogs.
2. You should not make fun of others religious traditions and cultures.
3. Be responsible in your blogs.
4. Your blogs must not hurt the feeling of others.
5. Your blogs Should not promote adult content otherwise Google will automatically remove your post and this would greatly affect your ranking.
After you had written your blog you have to submit your BLOG in the Google search console to show that Google may know that there is content uploaded on your website.
5.Proper SEO for your BLOG:
After writing your content it is important to let Google know that you have posted quality content in your blogging website to let Google know no that you have posted good quality content in your blogging website you have to follow some steps.
The technique that is generally used to rank your post higher in Google indexing is called SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation.SEO includes all the tips and techniques that a blogger follows in order to get his block indexed the higher your blog is indexed in Google the more chances are to increase your audience and resultantly increase your earning after you have gotten approval from Google AdSense.
Following are some techniques of SEO that will help your blog to be ranked higher in Google indexing as a result you will get more organic traffic from Google search results:
1. write SEO friendly articles in your blog.
2. generate proper meta tags for your blogs.
3. If you are using images in your blog it is highly recommended to add attributions to the images so that the images may also be ranked in Google search indexing.
Before writing your blog post it is highly recommended to do some research about the topic on which you are going to write the globe there are many tools available online that can help you in writing your Globes while writing the blogs you are required to keep in mind the CPC rate of the keywords before writing the blog you should skip all the keywords that are ranking in Google search indexing for this purpose you can use money online valuable tools that are free of cost such as H-Super Tool, Ahrefs,ubersuggest
An important step in recording SEO of your blogging website is creating backlinks it is highly recommended to generate dofollow backlinks for your blogging website the more dofollow backlinks you generate the higher are the chances of your website to be ranked in Google search results
6. Promotion of your Blogs:

If you want to promote your blog for free you can do it by Pinterest marketing your blogs moreover you can write the same blogs on and give a backlink towards your original blog another way to promote your blogging website is to promote your blog on
7. Earn money from blogging for free.
Now that you have written articles on your blog website your website is also SEO friendly you have a good web hosting service the final step is to get income from your looking website for this purpose you need to submit your website to Google AdSense.
simply make an account in Google AdSense submit your website in Google AdSense after that the Google will analyse your blogging website and approve your website for showing ads as soon as your website is approved for showing ads you can earn money from these ads.
you have created your blogging website and started posting blogs on your website it is recommended to apply for Google AdSense at least after one month full stop in this way you can earn a handsome amount of money from Google.